Sunday, April 30, 2017

Waiting Between Rotations

Tuesday the 25th through Sunday the 30th were rest days.  The first couple of lazy days were nice and gave us time to get clean, do laundry, eat as much as we could in order to gain back weight and of course rest.  

I've been trying to work out my upper body a bit throughout the trip and at least do some pushups and sit-ups/crunches to stay fit.  The pushup count is now about 9,500 so I'll easily break 10k before heading home.  Below photo shows a makeshift outdoor workout center.

Many of us also did a little walking around base camp just to stretch legs and stay sane.  The entire Everest base camp area takes almost an hour to walk from one end to the other.  Below is a good shot showing much of our team's base camp including the lakeside living area.  There are another 20 or so tents just on the back side of the hill to the right where most of the Sherpa stay.

On Thursday the 27th, four of us decided to go for a hike across the valley and about a thousand feet higher than base camp.  We got a nice view of Everest, Lhotse and the south col with wind plumes coming off all.  Reports have winds in the 60-70 mph range up there for the next day before dying down.  This timing should work well for our push to camp 3 in a few days.
The photo below shows the expanse of Everest base camp and the Khumbu Glacier with Mt. Everest, Lhotse and Nuptse above.


On Thursday afternoon, we were issued our oxygen masks which will be used during the summit bid.  We also had training on fit, regulator use and a discussion of where bottles will be available on the mountain.  With everything on, there should be no exposed skin.

Our team is prepared to leave for our next rotation.  Now we just need the winds up high to die down so we get back to climbing.  Our plan is to climb through the Khumbu Icefall, bypass camp 1 and climb all the way up to camp 2 in one push.  It'll be 6-8 hours depending on icefall conditions, weather, how we feel, etc.  As before, we're all starting to focus inwardly on our personal plans for the climb.  A teammate decided to ease some tension and liven things up this morning in his Yeti costume.

We will be on our rotation for a minimum of 5 days, 4 nights once we leave.  As always no news is good news and the IMG blog should have some updates while I'm gone.  Let's hope for a safe and successful rotation up to camp 3 and back.



  1. Dave, hang in there. A year ago you were at sea level at the BVIs with us...keep those warm days in mind... and many more to come. We love you and stay safe

  2. hey bucky! i love the yeti costume and pink flamingo floatie on the ice patch - your teammate must be a true san franciscan at heart! we always have a good costume for every occasion! glad you are getting to do your walks and push ups and staying clean. :) we are keeping our fingers crossed the winds die down and you have good weather for a nice rotation up to camp 3. xx oo xx oo xx oo L & J

  3. Bucky, you guys are doing great! Have a safe and successful rotation to and from Camp 3. Hopefully the winds will start to die down and make climbing a little easier. Stay warm !!

  4. We have good weather mojo whenever we climb together. I'm sure you brought the mojo with you to Everest but it couldn't keep up with your feverish pace. The rest days gave the mojo a chance to catch up. Ultimately, the weather will cooperate. With patience, you will succeed! You are strong. You are focused. You are prepared. Climb on, Bucky!

  5. Dear David, what a trip this has turned out to be, and your reporting coverage of rotations, weather, ice fall conditions and photos make me feel like I am actually there in my minds eye. I am glad you are keeping fit, resting and keeping safety a priority. I know it is difficult for you to just hang around doing nothing. You are in my prayers and on my mind every minute of every day and will be until I know you are back safely in Kriss arms. Love ♡ Mom
